I am a Software Engineer motivated by utilizing my background in QA to achieve practical, precise solutions to technical problems. I enjoy using my unique background along with my technical skills to create software that will impact the life of the end user.


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Recent Projects

social distancing game screenshot

Insplore is the first place winning product of a 30 hour team based hackathon. With nothing other than the prompt "Inspirational Wonder," my team of 3 developers and 2 UX designers created this proof of concept app that is a throw-back to spinning a globe as a kid, and randomly choosing a destination.

This app was created using NextJS, React, MongoDB, and the MapBox API.

Check it out here
Stay Inside
stay inside app screenshot

Stay Inside is a social media app that was created with React using a MongoDB database. This was a team project with two people working on the backend while I did the frontend with one other team member.

Stay Inside is an online event scheduling app for the social distancing age. It allows users to post about online events that they will be hosting, and their friends can comment on

Create your first event here
Mix It Up
mix it up cocktail app screenshot

Mix It Up is a cocktail app that was created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Express, and sequelize before being deployed to Heroku. This web app allows users to search for and store cocktail recipes to their favorites list and create virtual pantries containing ingredients that they currently have.

Find a new drink here
Social Distancing
social distancing game screenshot

Social Distancing is a dungeon crawler game created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


General Assembly
Software Engineering Immersive
May 2020- August 2020
  • 500 hours of full-time full-stack education in a remote setting

  • Provided experience with the latest front and back-end programming languages, tools, and methodologies

  • Included developing and deploying multiple projects both as part of a team as well as alone

Everett Community College
Associate's of Arts and Sciences
2015- 2018
Medisense Medical Coding
CPC-A (Certified Professional Coder through AAPC)